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Saturday, July 23, 2011


One of my favorites and useful tools is Google Doc. I used it this summer with a Go Green at TFE project and it facilitated and supported my work with the teachers and summer coordinator, Also, in this new role as a I- Coach this tool will continue supporting my work with the HBE staff, parents, students, and another I-Coaches.

Now, I have more clearly thoughts in how to incorporate technology in the process learning. the 11 tools was an amazing online experience to increase my knowledge in using them and the  technology devices to support the student academic achievement. Through this new school year I will go back to check the tools to maximize the use of them.

I was  surprised of the ton of  tools that we can use and the time consumed exploring them (I will need more time ) to be master in the use of them. However, now I feel more confident and knowledgeable about what kind of tools and which devices to integrate in the lessons plan or staff development. 

10. Digital Citizenship

I want to make sure that the students understand Digital  Literacy, understanding the process of teaching technology and learning about technology and how to use it. Digital Communication, understanding how to make appropiate decisions when using the communication devices and what kind of information must not share with anyone online.Self-protection,understanding electronic precautions to guarantee safety with a purpose.

One of the resources to use instructionally with the young kids is cCyber(Smart). It gives a lot of essencial tips to be a good digital citizenship. Also, BrainPop is really good to teach any subject, it supports the students learning using a lot of real world applications to facilitate the comprehension of the topic taught and brings a fast quiz to check the students understanding.

I want to teach my students that digital citizenship is more than learning  tools, it is about how to use technology appropiate to have the oppotunity to create relationship online collaborating with other students around the world in school projects in productive and safety environment.

I plan to share the idea of digital citizenship with the parents first giving them  a KWL Chart. After that I would like to introduce the iSAFE site showing them the most relevant information trying to respoinse the questions regarding what they want to learn. At the ending, they  will have 10 minutes more to explore the web page and compare what they new before of  the presentation and what they know after of the presentation.. 

9. Classroom-Based devices as tools for learning

Before to incorporate technology in our lesson, we need to know what we want the students to learn (Content Objective). Also, if we are working with ELL students we need to know how the content will be comprehensible  to them while developing academic language skills (Language Objective). Therefore, if we do not tie the technology with the objective, it will be used as a entertainment instead as a learning tool.

The accountability piece is very important in the learning process with or without use of technology. During workstations or centers the students should ask to show what they learned. The students need to have clear expectations from the teacher about why they are using the tools assigned  in the workstations, how they should use them, and what is the final product that they need to create to show what they learned. This helps students to be focused in their task assigned and avoid bad  behaivior problems during the stations/centers time.

I liked the most  Thinkinity and Studyladder, both provided with a lot of interactive resources for math, science, vocabulary, spelling, social studies, reading, etc. To hold students accountable is important the students understand the objective, purpose and expectations to use this resources. The teacher should differentiate the task according with the students needs in order to help them to be academic succesful.

Also, for center we can use Diigo offline reader, First of all the teacher needs to create an account. The teacher can select a piece of reading according with the lesson. After reading, the students should complete a graphic organizer gave by the teachers or use their reading journal to answer comprehension questions, summarize, write main ideas and supporting details, or just paraphrase the reading.
 In Math, for  Addition/ Multiplication Math Facts, the students can use DiaMath instead to use the traditionally worksheets. You can decide to use iPod or iPad for these stations.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

8. Look at the tools

Everyone is exciting about the new way to teach. The district expects that each teacher use the new devices in the classroom. For that purpose, the teacher needs to have iTunes account to develop materials as a part of the instruction engaging student's learning through of use of the iPod touch / iPad in centers or projects I think that at this point most of the students are familiar with the use of Dell 2120 netbook which is smaller than the lacktop but has the same functionality.
The teacher needs to monitor what apps the students are using to ensure the good use of them, Also, is important to create guidelines and procedures to know exactly the expectations for the classroom use. As a part of the procedure one student could be responsible for set up and pick up the devices. Those students could be rotated every week. Please be sure that the  student/Parent signed and returned SBISD AUP before to use them. 

7. Online digital projects

Content Objective
 Using research resources, TSW describe Native Indian groups who lived in the Coastal Plains region of Texas before European exploration and describe the region in which they lived.
We are going to implement the plan at the last week of November.
Tools to use:
Google Doc will be useful for the 4th grade classrooms to share ideas.  online documents, and videos to support their final report. Also, they will use xtranormal to create their own movie
This is a 4th grade project The main  purpose of it is learning  about native american in Texas and their environment using LA/Social Studies integration with technology. Each class would create their own rubric to see what are the expectations. At least once a week the classes will use Edmodo to get and give feedbacks, ideas and generate academic discussions regarding to the topic researched. Together they will use Google Doc to share the final product.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

6.Using Web tools

Edmodo: A guide to Explain it All
I  was exploring this network and when I create groups the system automatically generates a password which I can  give to the people who will conform the group avoiding the creation of new accounts for each member. It facilitates the use of it for our students too.
Another good resource is Voice thread, full presence conversation.I think it will be helpful creating tutorials for teachers and students (work stations/ learning and bilingual centers).

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

5.Web 2.0 tools

Xtranormal is a movie creator and animoto is a video clip. .I created this short movie to introduce the habitat concept in the science lesson. At the end of the lesson the students will crate their own movie using science content. Their work will be guided by questions giving for the teacher which must be planned and focused in the lesson objective  to ensure the quality of content in the movie and the learning. The students can share their final product throughout Google Apps. Their work will be assessing using a rubric pre-elaborated for the teacher with the students. Using this tool the students will be engage in their learning process in a fun activity and the teacher can see how deep their  learning is.

4.Moving Up with Google Apps

Google Apps gives me the opportunity to share, publish, and collaborate documents, videos,and formats with my team or my students. When I  invite teachers or students as editors, they can collaborate me in the real time making comments, adjusts or modifications to my documents.
 Google Docs is one of the most useful tools in the classroom before, during and after the instruction. For example in the writing  process, the students can work in their first draft from home,   during class they can collaborate each to another in the review and edit steps sharing their writing composition to give new ideas and make grammar and spelling corrections, at the same time they receive feedback from their classmates and teacher avoiding worksheets and copies. Finally, the students can make the last change to their writing before to publish and save it in  their writing portfolio.