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Saturday, February 3, 2018

Frequent addition and subtraction situations - Problem Solving

I would like to share with all of you a table with frequent addition and subtraction model situations that second and third grade teachers are using with the students for problem solving. It is important that our students be exposed to the comparative language in Math as well as they need to understand the meaning and how the vocabulary is related with the operation used depending also of the context situation. I am not saying that we need to teach key words. It is a great pedagogy mistake and it does not help the students to develop their thinking skills.
Me gustaría compartir con todos ustedes una tabla con situaciones frecuentes de modelos de suma y resta que los maestros de segundo y tercer grado están usando con los estudiantes para resolver problemas. Es importante que nuestros estudiantes estén expuestos al lenguaje comparativo en matemáticas, así como también que entiendan el significado y cómo se relaciona el vocabulario con la operación utilizada, dependiendo también de la situación del contexto. No digo que tengamos que enseñar palabras claves. Es un gran error pedagogco y no ayuda a los estudiantes a desarrollar sus habilidades de pensamiento.

Result Unknown
Change Unknown
Start Unknown
Last year, Mrs. Rojas bought 235 math books. This year she buys 548 more books. How many math books does she have now? 
              235 + 548 = ?

Last year, Mrs. Rojas bought 235 math books. This year she bought some more. She now has 783 math books. How many books did she buy this year?
               235 + ? = 783
Last year, Mrs. Rojas bought math books. This year she buys 548 more books. She now has 783 math books.  How many books did she buy last year?
    ?   + 548 = 783

Take Away
520 pencils were in a box. I used  128 pencils. How many pencils are in the box now?
           520 – 128 = ?
520 pencils were in a box. I used some pencils. Then there were 392 pencils. How many pencils did I use?   
                  520 - ? = 392
Some pencils were in a box. I used 128 pencils. Then there were 392 pencils. How many pencils were in the box? 
                      ? – 128 = 3 92     

Total Unknown
Addend Unknown
Both Addends Unknown

Put Together / Take Apart
120 third graders and 103 second graders are in the cafeteria.
How many students are in the cafeteria?
         120 + 103 = ?
223 students are in the cafeteria. 120 are third graders and the rest are second graders. How many students are second graders?
   120 + ? = 223 ,   223 – 120 = ?
There are 223 students in the cafeteria. How many students can be second graders and how many can be third graders?   
 Variety of answers
      120 + 103 = 223
      100 + 123 = 223 , etc

Difference Unknown
Bigger Unknown
Smaller Unknown

How many more version
Luis has 345 soccer cards. Kenneth has 544 soccer cards. How many more soccer cards does Kenneth  have than Luis?

How many fewer version
Luis has 345 soccer cards. Kenneth has 544 soccer cards. How many fewer soccer cards does Luis have than Kenneth?

345 + ? = 544       ,     544 – 345 = ?
Version with more
Kenneth has 199 more soccer cards than Luis. Luis has 345 soccer cards. How many soccer cards does Kenneth have?
Version with fewer
Luis has 199 fewer soccer cards than Kenneth. Luis has 345 soccer cards. How many soccer cards does Kenneth have?
345 + 199 = ?   ,    199 + 345 = ?
Version with more
Kenneth has 199 more soccer cards than Luis. Kenneth has 544 soccer cards. How many soccer cards does Luis have?

Version with fewer
Luis has 199 fewer soccer cards than Kenneth. Kenneth has 544 soccer cards. How many soccer cards does Luis have?

544 -199 = ?      ,   ? + 199 =544

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Just visualize

La Aritmética como principio fundamental del éxito de los estudiantes en el área de Matemáticas

La matemática es una ciencia exacta cuyo estudio se divide en subareas interdependientes que deben aprenderse y entenderse como áreas separadas del gran sistema de las matemáticas. Aritmética, geometría, algebra, calculo, análisis matemático, probabilidad y estadística, topología.
¿Que es la Aritmética?
La aritmética estudia la estructura de los conjuntos numéricos y sus operaciones.
En los primeros grados de escuela cuando hablamos del sentido numérico y operaciones esperamos que los niños logren entender conceptos como contar objetos, la representación gráfica de un número, la correspondencia uno a uno, el concepto de cantidad, la relación existente entre números,  símbolos que representan cantidad, las diferentes maneras de representar números. Con la enseñanza equivocada de estos conceptos que son bastantes difusivos para el niño debido  a su inmadurez académica, tenemos niños en grados intermedios con  gran habilidad para recitar números y hacer conteos uno a uno hacia adelante y hacia atrás , pero sin embargo sin idea clara de la relación entre números, lo cual le acarreara en los siguientes grados muchos problemas en la articulación de la aritmética, cuando tenga que resolver patrones aritméticos o geométricos y peor aun cuando se enfrente a raciocinios mayores en pre-algebra y algebra. 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Dear 3rd, 4th, and 5th teachers, it is the video that I wanted to use for "differentiated math using work stations" training. 

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Illuminations: Ten Frame

Illuminations: Ten Frame

It is amazing to use with our kindergarten and first grade students to increase their understanding of the number sense. Our students could use it as a workstation.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


One of my favorites and useful tools is Google Doc. I used it this summer with a Go Green at TFE project and it facilitated and supported my work with the teachers and summer coordinator, Also, in this new role as a I- Coach this tool will continue supporting my work with the HBE staff, parents, students, and another I-Coaches.

Now, I have more clearly thoughts in how to incorporate technology in the process learning. the 11 tools was an amazing online experience to increase my knowledge in using them and the  technology devices to support the student academic achievement. Through this new school year I will go back to check the tools to maximize the use of them.

I was  surprised of the ton of  tools that we can use and the time consumed exploring them (I will need more time ) to be master in the use of them. However, now I feel more confident and knowledgeable about what kind of tools and which devices to integrate in the lessons plan or staff development. 

10. Digital Citizenship

I want to make sure that the students understand Digital  Literacy, understanding the process of teaching technology and learning about technology and how to use it. Digital Communication, understanding how to make appropiate decisions when using the communication devices and what kind of information must not share with anyone online.Self-protection,understanding electronic precautions to guarantee safety with a purpose.

One of the resources to use instructionally with the young kids is cCyber(Smart). It gives a lot of essencial tips to be a good digital citizenship. Also, BrainPop is really good to teach any subject, it supports the students learning using a lot of real world applications to facilitate the comprehension of the topic taught and brings a fast quiz to check the students understanding.

I want to teach my students that digital citizenship is more than learning  tools, it is about how to use technology appropiate to have the oppotunity to create relationship online collaborating with other students around the world in school projects in productive and safety environment.

I plan to share the idea of digital citizenship with the parents first giving them  a KWL Chart. After that I would like to introduce the iSAFE site showing them the most relevant information trying to respoinse the questions regarding what they want to learn. At the ending, they  will have 10 minutes more to explore the web page and compare what they new before of  the presentation and what they know after of the presentation..